Thursday, March 20, 2008


I cant say i was really looking forward to going to the museum but it ment a day off school which was good. On the bus ride i sat next to Cerise, we listened to our ipods because it was rather boring just sitting there.
When we finally arrived i had gotten pins and needles in my feet which made it hard to get off the bus. We got into our groups and entered the building.I was looking forward to looking at all the war things and finding out interesting facts, but we were handed work sheets which were jam packed with questions. I was to busy trying to answer all the questions that i didn't get to have a proper look around, All you had to do was find what you were looking for then move on. it would have been better if we had had less questions, or more time.That way we could have answered the questions and looked around.
There were also pointless questions that had nothing to do with it like, "what was on the chocolate?, would you have eaten it?" It took five minutes just trying to find the chocolate, when there wasn't any. There was an emotional time for me when we saw the walls with all the people who died in the war form New Zealand. All those people had family and friends, never to return to again just because silly people couldn't sort out the differences between a simple conversation, no, they had to send millions of people out into a battle field where they would most likely be killed in the first minute. And it didn't just Finnish after a few weeks, they went on for years. The people in the army have been trained to kill other people, without a second thought. they can just go out there and kill Masses of people, and what has it solved? very little. People would fly over houses and drop bombs and things on to them, there were most likely people in those houses, families, CHILDREN, all Innocent. I think it is selfish of people to kill ourselves of, for POWER!, Money, land, right or wrong and just simple GREED! And what happened after world was one..? there was world war 2, is any of it necessary? I don't think it was.
We have been learning in Social Studies about the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand, on life, that was that reason for the deaths of so many more!
I get angry over these things because it could have easily been avoided. I know i wasnt around it those times and that things could have been different to now, Im just giving My opinion Of the whole thing.
Anyway back to the Museum Trip, well we spent about two hours in there had luch then hoped back on th bus to go back to school. We go back just as the bell for end of lunch sounded, i had science not that i felt like doing any work!
but i suvived went home and slept.

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