Sunday, March 23, 2008


Bellissimo Is our schools Small choir, I had been trying to get in for years, and at the end of last year I did get in, I was really happy. We had been talking about going to a overseas Competition, in Hawaii or Canada. Miss Jones Sent a disk away at the beginning of the holidays, AND WE GOT IN! she told us when school started again that in 2009 we would be going to Hawaii, and stay there for a week and a bit! I was totally excited, its going to be heaps of fun. We are doing heaps of fund raising, which we will be doing All year. On the 29Th there will be a car boot sale/ car wash at the school $15 per park space and a donation for the car wash, its being held at the school car park, so if anyone wants to get rid of so stuff or have a car wash then come along, also there will be a sausage sizzle. It will be a great day! i will post any other up coming events that come up through out the year!
here is a link to the Bellissimo website If you wish to find out more:


Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Go Steph! Hope you had a good easter :) Jones.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there