Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Around the Bays!

Around the Bays

Well On the 16th it was a big day for me, but the fun really started that’s Saturday. I woke up and started to plan my weekend, my friend was to stay at mine that night and then go to the race, but our plans changed. So we made a new plan that I would go to stay at her place that night, we would attend a party but be home by 9 ‘o’ clock, to sleep. When I arrived we meet up with some people and then headed to the school, where the show was, we entered at 7. There where heaps of people there, and not many of them we knew. But after we had found our group we settled in. It was Great fun, but soon it was time for us to leave. We got home and had something to eat, showered and went to sleep setting our alarms for 6:00 in the morning.
We awoke to the horrid sound of my alarm; we just lay there looking at one another, not wanting to get up. This was it, the big day. We slowly made our way to the kitchen, where we had our energy drinks, after we got dressed and put on our shoes. We left at 7:00, heading straight for town.
At 9:00 we lined up to start the race, there were so many people there is was crazy, at 9:30 it began. Me and My friend, started off at a run, but it was hard with so many people, you had to dodge your way through. About 10mins into it I had lost my friend in the rush of people, and so i was left to run by myself. The run was something like 8km long, I don’t really do much running, and at times it was challenging but at the end I felt so good, that I had accomplished something that wasn’t anything to really benefit me, but it was great to just get out there and do something.
I found my friend at the end and we headed off to get our sausage. We were really sore and our feet felt like they had been bounded but after a good lunch and a good play in the blow up bouncy castle, we were ready to move on and enjoy the rest of the day.
I had found the run very challenging, I walked and ran, and completed it. I felt Very pleased when i saw the finish like and ran all the way till the end. I would recommend people to do it even if you may not be the fittest person, its a nice challenge for yourself and makes you feel great!

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