Sunday, August 17, 2008


64 Zoo Lane

Dear Auckland Zoo I would like to apply for your zoo keeper advertisement in the newspaper. I think I am capable of this job because I have taken Science, biology, English and maths Exams. I love working with animals and I think it will be a good experience. I used to be a Vet and so I am very careful with animals. Seeing different animals seems like a great idea. I love the Zoo it’s a special place. When I was younger I spent all day nagging at my parents to take me to the Zoo. In the end it was to dark to go and it would be closed.

So I think this job will bring back all those memories of my child hood. I loved seeing all the animals and hope that I get this job.

Yours Sincerely
Stephanie Thompson


64 Zoo Lane

Dear Auckland Zoo I would like to apply for your zoo keeper advertisement in the newspaper. I think I am capable of this job because I have taken Science, biology, English and maths Exams. I love working with animals and I think it will be a good experience. I used to be a Vet and so I am very careful with animals. Seeing different animals seems like a great idea. I love the Zoo it’s a special place. When I was younger I spent all day nagging at my parents to take me to the Zoo. In the end it was to dark to go and it would be closed.

So I think this job will bring back all those memories of my child hood. I loved seeing all the animals and hope that I get this job.

Yours Sincerely
Stephanie Thompson


Acts 2 fill out bellow!! It’s for school…

1. Who do you work for?
AUT cooking department.

2. What do you enjoy most about it?
Cooking is a great thing and I love teaching it.

3. Why did you choose this job?
Because I used to be a chef and love teaching new things.
4. How long have worked there?
This is my second year.

5. What’s your dream job?
Being the chef of a flash hotel
6. Who do you work for?
Viler divine
7. What do you enjoy most about it?
New ideas

8. Why did you choose this job?
Because I wanted a job.
9. How long have worked there?
4 weeks

10. What’s your dream job?
Not sour
11. Who do you work for?
12. What do you enjoy most about it?
Seeing people

13. Why did you choose this job?
Because it was at the right time and all.
14. How long have worked there?
6 years

15. What’s your dream job?
Don’t have one.

My Life

Act 1

I will be a nurse because I think saving people would be fun.

Skills and knowledge to become a nurse!
· Excellent nursing skills and knowledge of different nursing methods.
· Knowledge of how the human body works.
· Knowledge of different diseases and illnesses.
· Knowledge of medicines and treatments, and the effect these have on patients.
· An understanding of nursing law and legislation, health policies, and the health system.
· Understanding of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, and the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion.
· Knowledge of community and family support services.
· Communication skills.
· writing skills
· Interviewing and assessment skills, including good listening skills.
· Good time management, planning and organizational skills.
· Decision-making.

What courses do I have to take and where can I take them?
Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing for Registered Nurses)
Auckland University of Technology
Registered Nurse: Competency Assessment Program
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Nursing (Registered Nurses)
Massey University
Return to Nursing Program for Registered Nurses - Level 6 and 7
Bachelor of Nursing (including pathway for Registered Nurses)
Unitec New Zealand
Bachelor of Nursing for Registered Nurses
Waiariki Institute of Technology - Rotorua
Overseas Nurses Programme for Registration in NZ
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Where are some places I can work in New Zealand?
· Ascot Hospital
· Auckland District Health Board.
· Green Lane Hospital
· National Women's Hospital
· Starship Children's Hospital
· Bethesda Home and Hospital
· Birkenhead Medical and Geriatric Hospital
· Counties Manuakau District Health Board
· Kidz First Children's Hospital
· Gillies Hospital
· Glamis Medical and Geri Home
· Green Lane Hospital
· Hillsborough Hospital

By Stephanie Thompson

Monday, August 4, 2008


I love Elephants!

What are elephants?

There are two kinds of elephants the Asian and the African. You can tell them a part because the Asian has smaller ears. They both act the same, they can cry, laugh, and scream. We can’t hear it because it is so loud.

How do they act?

Elephants all have different personalities some get angry and some like to have fun. They walk long distances in groups. All groups have a leader they are the boss of all of them, they have to look after the rest of the group.

What do they like to do?

Elephants like to play in mud and spray water. Baby elephants like to run around and have fun. This is normally when they have stopped for a rest. They all stand and talk for hours.



Some thing i found


1. Pluto moved closer to the sun than Neptune.

2. Pluto is the only planet that has not been visited by a spacecraft.

3. Every 248 years the two planets swap places and for about 20 years Pluto becomes the eighth planet and Neptune the ninth.

4. Pluto's own moon, Charon, is larger in proportion to its planet than any other satellite in the solar system.

5. It's 6 times smaller than Earth, and even smaller than seven of the solar system's moons.

6. It is the only planetary orbit which crosses that of another planet (Neptune), and it is tilted 17 degress
7. With respect to the plane of the solar system.

8. All the other rocky planets -- Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars -- are located in the inner solar system, close to the Sun. Except for Pluto, all of the outer planets -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune -- are gaseous giants.

9. No one knows, and the mystery may remain until some future spacecraft pays a visit to this distant planet.

10. Astronomers once thought that Pluto may have been a satellite of Neptune's that was ejected to follow a tilted elliptical path around the sun.

12 Month Diary Part Two

Jack is all better he only had a cold. Today when I was walking from form hut 9 to hut 5 on the east cost. I made a new path it goes to the sea. Jack and I went fishing again it’s a great place. Well I have to go!

Nothing to report!!!!

I was walking to that spot for fishing I found in august well I found this box with 5 things in them it was just floating in the sea. Well the five things were; a cell phone with reception, a Knife, a jacket, a pair of pants, and a tin of corn. It will help so much.

Its great having new warm cloths to wear. I only wear them at night so that they dont get warn to much. i havent used the cell phone yet, it doesnt have much battery left and i want to make a hike up to the peak to use it to have better recption. i plan to leave this month some time, i need to stoke up its a weeks climb, today i collected some furit which may turn bad shortly but i will just mash it and put it in a jar, good for energy. Tonight i will finish collecting what i need fron this hut and the spring then move on to Hut 3, and collect more food. I plan to make some rope to make the journey safer. Miss the family.

December: The climb was good jack enjoyd it, though he was mostlyt carried, he help find shelter and food along the way though. We go a bit lost i havent been al the way to the peak befor so there was no path. Almost Fell off the side of the sliff but i held on to a root there. I got up there and made contact with the family, told them to get help they sounded relived to hear from me, as i was to hear from then. It seems there will be boats out look ing for the island and i'll be going home. Im going to miss this island. It has been my home for a very long time i wish i could stay, i just wish i wasnt so alone, although jack is here i need others and a hot shower, maybe i will come back, some Day.

12 Month Diary Part One

In Year 8, we had to write a story, and do heaps of activities to go with it. One was to write a 12 month diary, the stories were about a person stranded on an island and haveing to suvive for two Years, the 12 month diary was to say some of the events that happend.

Here is it.

Well today I arrived there is no one here.
How am I to live in this place, no where to sleep
No place warm. I must find a place to build a hut somewhere near water and food. All I have is my tool box, flints, some cloths, a 3 meter plastic sheet, some blankets, and a 4L bottle. This is not right I can’t spend two years here, I just won’t survive.

Well I have made progress sins we last talked.
I have made 8 huts near water and food. It has been very lonely but it may get better who knows what will happen next. I have been very busy with making the huts that I have forgotten to write. The plastic sheet works wonders, it keeps the hut dry. I found a Knife in the tool box so I use it lots to open coconuts and cut twigs. I did some flax weaving for my bed. Well I have to go! See you soon!

Well I am cold and wet it’s been raining for a week now. I am cuddled up in hut 7 waiting for the storm to stop. I feel so cold and lonely all by my self. Everything is getting wet. How long will it take before I starve I can’t get wet or ill get sick. There is nothing for me to do.

The rain has cleared up. But now it hasn’t rained in five days. The waterfalls will start to dry up and the fruit trees will die. All my belongings have dried thankfully. I have been very busy lots of trees have fallen down and so I have been storing the wood for a fire. But all will be up and running soon.

It is still hot but a lot better than last month. Latterly I have had a visitor in the night and just this morning I found out what it was. A monkey I called him Jack. He has been lots of company for me and we have had lots of fun. He helps me with gathering fruit and veggies, I repay him by giving him a banana. He is very crudely and keeps me warm.

Jack and I have been very busy. We went to the east side of the island and went fishing but we only caught two fish but Jack doesn’t eat fish so two for me. So I’m cooking wile Jack is collecting his dinner. We have a big day tomorrow making a new hut. And we have to supply the water in every hut. Well I have to go see you later.

Well the rain has started again but that’s the last of my problems jack is sick. He might be dieing…if he dose…I ….I might not cope. He is the only company I have on this silly island. It’s not fair he’s only young. I have to go bye.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gossip Girl

Gossip girl is full of gossip. I know you kind of get thet from the name but its way cool. It is not only a book series but a tv program!
Although i dont think it is out here, i managesd to get ahold of them. I have read most of the books and fine then very good.
They are about a group of friends and go to a private school and come from rich families, and it shows you the dramas in life and how life can be good and tough. They are in there last year of college and are going off to uni. They need to find out which uni they want to get into, for some they get into the schools and for others they have to learn they cant have everything.
Althoug the tv program is about the books, there are many things that have been changed, and bits put in and otrers cut out. If i think about it its kind of just the same names in away. But i still think it is awsome, and if anyone wasta some jucie gossip Gossip Girl is the place!!
I would give it 4/5 and give it a 15 years and up reading age.
Thanks x


So i got a laptop this year, and normally it connects fine. But on Some days it wont connects and so i dont get the post blogs =[. But recently it has been okay but when i would go to post somthing it wouldnt post, and now the charger is brocken so the battery is flat, well dead. out of use. So i have to use the old and slow computer downstairs in a cold room

Well 1st day back at school today, boy that was fun. And if anyone remebers me saying i wanted to do art this term, well it didnt happen. i have wanted to change since term one and so i have forgotten to change it. till end of term 2. and over the holidays i wanted mum to ring up but, she forgot. and today i ran around school trying to find some one to change it but couldnt till lunch. I had to wait in a long line, and it turns out the class is full... =[
No art for steph. But next year i want to take it full year!


Flowers and rain!

I find Flowers Amazing, they are so Beautiful. There Are so many type and colours. When i have my house i will by flowers each week and sit them on my table. I like to draw flowers though they never look and good in my drawings. My Favourite types of flowers are Roses and Daisies, i fine them to be beautiful. I like many other kinds as well but not as much. In my garden we have heaps of flowers and trees. Most trees are fruit trees and when they bloom they look so pretty all white. There is a plum tree in the back of my garden, and in plum season its blooms and white! and from my house it looks like snow in the trees, and when the blossems fall the ground is covered, its really nice. When i was younger i would run around under the branches and look up at the peetals falling down on me.

Rain. Is a wonderful thing. Some people hate it but i love it. It is so nice, it is beautiful to watch it fall and enjoy the feeling of the cilled dropletshittinbg you warm skin, and you become covered in goose bumps! I used to when little, and to be honest i still do on days when im not feeling very positive, i would go outside while the rain pours down, and when i say pours i mean it, not that light stuff that only gets you half wet. Im talking about the stuff when, you go out side and you are dranched within two seconds. That is rain. you get this amazing felling. i wish it always rained. you fell so good after, maybe after a a hot shower too so you dont get too sick. My middle name is Rain I was born on a rainy day. I think that has somthing to do with my rain obsetion.

Gotta Jet.

A random Story written a while back.!

I looked at my pale complexion in the mirror trying to use all the products i could get my hands on just to look like all the other 'it' girls. I used a bronzer i knew was really too dark for me, but i was willing to do anything. The door bell echoed through the house and a loud voice followed "COME ON ELLE WE'LL BE LATE" yelled my friend Holly who by my opinion was the prettiest girl in my year. I knew to hang with people like her i would have to change myself in every way. I rolled my skirt and checked myself out one last time before i headed for the front door. "woot woooo, just add more mascara and you might be prettier than me" Holly teased. "I’m Out" I called to my mum. We walked out and headed for the bus stop, as soon as we sat down the bus pulled up. "Ew" Holly complained giving the bus driver dirty looks. As she strutted her way onto the bus I followed her and did the same. Settling myself into a seat near the front Holly stared at me confused. "What are you doing She questioned "Umm sitting down" I said puzzled. She pulled me up and leaded me to the back seat. "We sit here" she instructed. As I studied the part of the bus I thought I would never get to see I saw the most stunning boy who had blue eyes like the ocean they glistened along with his pure and soft olive skin. "Umm are you drooling" Holly nudged me "What me. um no drooling hah! no no. no I’m not" I assured. "Ooookkkkk thennnn " she said sussly looking around. The bus pulled up at school and as we got off a big group of 'it' girls surrounded Holly hysterically asking questions about how they looked. "OMG I just knew this eye shadow was to blue " One girl whined and ran towards the toilets. As Holly began to walk towards the quad where we sat the other girls followed like a trail of ants but I dawdled behind with my best friend Alicia who was not beautiful nor was she ugly, the best thing about her was she was unique and beautiful in her own way but sometimes Holly says that just isn’t good enough. "Ugh we are practicing another lock down procedure today" Alicia said sighing. "Oh joyyy I can't wait" I said sarcastically. As the bell rang we both walked to homeroom giggling. ************LATER ON IN THE DAY******** "The School is now in Lockdown" A deep voice announced over the PA system. As I looked around I could see Holly and a bunch of girls using hand gestures to try and catch my attention as I tried to crawl towards them Alicia grabbed my leg "Don't leave Elle, you could get caught and get in massive trouble" she insisted. "Well. uh. I just, oh well I’m sure I won't" I said riggling my foot out of her grip. "Ok so like we are so gonna ditch this stupid thing and go like smoke in the toilets or something" Holly said ready to leave. "Umm but" I studdered, but I stopped as I saw the look she was giving me, "ok sounds sweet" I agreed I turned around to check if we were in the all clear when i saw Alicia shaking her head, but i just ignored her and left the room. As we entered the toilets the girls all giggled as they lit their cheap cigarettes. "Here Elle" Holly offered nudging me with the cancer stick. I took it slowly and fiddled with the lighter trying to figure out how to light it. As the flame struck the smoke I took a deep breath and puffed. Holly gave me a grin and a nod of improvement. "Hey Who's in there!" A deep voice called from the door of the girls toilets. I panicked and threw the smoke on the floor, I looked at the facial expressions of the other girls, panick was smeared all over their faces.

To Be Continued.

(this story was made up, nothing to do with my life)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Zealand

Ladies and gentlemen, this is New Zealand 85
One, two, three, four, five
Everybody in the car so come on let’s ride
To Steward Island around the corner,
The boys say they want some fish and chips
From Franz Josef Glacier
I must stay deep ´cause talk is a cheap
I like Napier, Dunedin, Gibson, and Bluff
And as I continue you know they’re getting´ tough
So what can I do I really beg you my Bulls
To me Hawks Bay´´ it’s just like Taupo
Anything fly it’s all good let me dump it
Please set in the trumpetA little bit of Cooks Strait in my life

A little bit of Westport by my side
A little bit of Wellsford is all I need
A little bit of Hanmer is what I see
A little bit of Wairoa in the sun
A little bit of Lower Hut all night long
A little bit of Whakatane here I am
A little bit of Wellington makes me you’re man

New Zealand 85

Dive up and down and travel all around
Drive to Paraparaumu and Hunterville
Take one step North and one South One to the West and one to the East
Make your way to Hokianga Harbour
And if it looks like this then you doing it right
A little bit of Hastings in my life
A little bit of Tokoroa by my side
A little bit of Rakaia is all I need
A little bit of Haast is what I see
A little bit of Te kaha in the sun
A little bit of Twizel all night long
A little bit of Masterton here I am
A little bit of Wanganui makes me you´re man

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good Or not.

Is it good beauty?

Beauty is Sold to you

Here are some comments i found

Tasha: Hi. I'm a 14 year old girl with a low self-esteem. After seeing the advert i couldn't believe how much i could relate to it. There's so much pressure to be beautiful and skinny. I have been bullied many times (and still am) for being ugly and smart so i think what doves doing is really great:)

Guest: hey.i know this self esteem site is about how you feel about how you look but i have problems with whats on the inside.i think im a good looking girl but i dont think i have a personality that anyone will want to know.i hvae no problems with how i look but,stupid as its sounds, i dont think im a person worth knowing.i dont feel i have an impact on anyones life and my confidence in myself is rock i sound stupid?

Daniela Hooper: It is rare, in our world to see that real beauty is in fact the real thing, and what we should be proud of at all times. As a normal girl, I have always been influenced by the media, magazines, and theyre potrays of what beauty is. The truth is, thats how beauty sells.What beauty is, is something that they dont know about. Something that lies within every women, every soul. It is the fact that you can be beautiful, by being yourself. Love youself, your inner self and with that comes outside beauty as well. That is what I can see when I watch the DOVE ads, and that is the truth.THANK you for realizing.

_-Sammy-_: When I saw the advert I was shocked how it was like meAll my life I thought I was fat and ugly and people told me that.After seeing the advert I realised that there is beauty in me and I should ignore what everyone else says.My Boyfriend said "See even they say your beautiful!"Aww bless Him Sammy


How do you define "beauty"? Double eyelids? Almond-shaped eyes? Wrinkle-free complexion? Different people have different yardsticks for measuring "beauty". In this website, a group of researchers went about studying the faces of the people around before coming up with a prototype of a face that is "attractive" and another prototype of a face that is "unattractive". So how do they look like? What are the features that defines a "pretty face"? Well, the answer according to them is below.(Although I am talking about females, this picture is posted for those who are interested in the results of the study for males)Do you agree with them? You can navigate around their website if you want to know more about their research project.According to a study commissioned by Dove, most Asian women are content with their looks with the exception of Japan where more than half of them are not satisfied with how they look.Which feature do you think plays a great impact on defining how "beautiful" you are? For Singaporean women, it's the face and shape of eyes.Other interesting finds:
Fewer Than 3% of Women Call Themselves “Beautiful”
Singapore Women Near Bottom on Compliments (95 days on average since they were told they were beautiful)
There appears to be a strong relationship between happiness in other aspects of one's life, such as family and friends, and feeling beautiful.
What if you don't have any of those features listed in the "attractive face" picture? Are you still satisfied with your looks? You can visit Dove's Campaign For Real Beauty and find that there are millions of girls out there who share the same sentiment as you. If you are feeling generous, you can even donate to The Dove Self-Esteem Fund. The fund aims to teach and show girls a wider definition of "beauty". Here's a commercial on bodily characteristics that girls are concerned about.


When the fabricated food folks and apologists for the corporate farm realized that they couldn't block America's growing interest in diet and nutrition, a movement that would ultimately put an end to America's biggest and most monopolistic industries, they infiltrated the movement and put a few sinister twists on information going out to the public. Item number one in the disinformation campaign was the assertion that naturally saturated fats from animal sources are the root cause of the current heart disease and cancer plague. Butter bore the brunt of the attack, and was accused of terrible crimes. The Diet Dictocrats told us that it was better to switch to polyunsaturated margarine and most Americans did. Butter all but disappeared from our tables, shunned as a miscreant.

This would come as a surprise to many people around the globe who have valued butter for its life-sustaining properties for millennia. When Dr. Weston Price studied native diets in the 1930's he found that butter was a staple in the diets of many supremely healthy peoples.1 Isolated Swiss villagers placed a bowl of butter on their church altars, set a wick in it, and let it burn throughout the year as a sign of divinity in the butter. Arab groups also put a high value on butter, especially deep yellow-orange butter from livestock feeding on green grass in the spring and fall. American folk wisdom recognized that children raised on butter were robust and sturdy; but that children given skim milk during their growing years were pale and thin, with "pinched" faces.2
Does butter cause disease? On the contrary, butter protects us against many diseases.
Butter & Heart Disease
Heart disease was rare in America at the turn of the century. Between 1920 and 1960, the incidence of heart disease rose precipitously to become America's number one killer. During the same period butter consumption plummeted from eighteen pounds per person per year to four. It doesn't take a Ph.D. in statistics to conclude that butter is not a cause. Actually butter contains many nutrients that protect us from heart disease. First among these is vitamin A which is needed for the health of the thyroid and adrenal glands, both of which play a role in maintaining the proper functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system. Abnormalities of the heart and larger blood vessels occur in babies born to vitamin A deficient mothers. Butter is America's best and most easily absorbed source of vitamin A.
Butter contains lecithin, a substance that assists in the proper assimilation and metabolism of cholesterol and other fat constituents.
Butter also contains a number of anti-oxidants that protect against the kind of free radical damage that weakens the arteries. Vitamin A and vitamin E found in butter both play a strong anti-oxidant role. Butter is a very rich source of selenium, a vital anti-oxidant--containing more per gram than herring or wheat germ.
Butter is also a good dietary source cholesterol. What?? Cholesterol an anti-oxidant?? Yes indeed, cholesterol is a potent anti-oxidant that is flooded into the blood when we take in too many harmful free-radicals--usually from damaged and rancid fats in margarine and highly processed vegetable oils. A Medical Research Council survey showed that men eating butter ran half the risk of developing heart disease as those using margarine.

Butter & Cancer
In the 1940's research indicated that increased fat intake caused cancer. The abandonment of butter accelerated; margarine--formerly a poor man's food-- was accepted by the well-to-do. But there was a small problem with the way this research was presented to the public. The popular press neglected to stress that fact that the "saturated" fats used in these experiments were not naturally saturated fats but partially hydrogenated or hardened fats--the kind found mostly in margarine but not in butter. Researchers stated--they may have even believed it--that there was no difference between naturally saturated fats in butter and artificially hardened fats in margarine and shortening. So butter was tarred with the black brush of the fabricated fats, and in such a way that the villains got passed off as heroes.
Actually many of the saturated fats in butter have strong anti-cancer properties. Butter is rich in short and medium chain fatty acid chains that have strong anti-tumor effects. Butter also contains conjugated linoleic acid which gives excellent protection against cancer.
Vitamin A and the anti-oxidants in butter--vitamin E, selenium and cholesterol--protect against cancer as well as heart disease.
Butter & the Immune System
Vitamin A found in butter is essential to a healthy immune system; short and medium chain fatty acids also have immune system strengthening properties. But hydrogenated fats and an excess of long chain fatty acids found in polyunsaturated oils and many butter substitutes both have a deleterious effect on the immune system.
Butter & Arthritis
The Wulzen or "anti-stiffness" factor is a nutrient unique to butter. Dutch researcher Wulzen found that it protects against calcification of the joints--degenerative arthritis--as well as hardening of the arteries, cataracts and calcification of the pineal gland. Unfortunately this vital substance is destroyed during pasteurization. Calves fed pasteurized milk or skim milk develop joint stiffness and do not thrive. Their symptoms are reversed when raw butterfat is added to the diet.
Butter & Osteoporosis
Vitamins A and D in butter are essential to the proper absorption of calcium and hence necessary for strong bones and teeth. The plague of osteoporosis in milk-drinking western nations may be due to the fact that most people choose skim milk over whole, thinking it is good for them. Butter also has anti-cariogenic effects, that is, it protects against tooth decay.
Butter & the Thyroid Gland
Butter is a good source of iodine, in highly absorbable form. Butter consumption prevents goiter in mountainous areas where seafood is not available. In addition, vitamin A in butter is essential for proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
Butter & Gastrointestinal Health
Butterfat contains glycospingolipids, a special category of fatty acids that protect against gastro-intestinal infection, especially in the very young and the elderly. For this reason, children who drink skim milk have diarrhea at rates three to five times greater than children who drink whole milk. Cholesterol in butterfat promotes health of the intestinal wall and protects against cancer of the colon. Short and medium chain fatty acids protect against pathogens and have strong anti-fungal effects. Butter thus has an important role to play in the treatment of candida overgrowth.
Butter & Weight Gain
The notion that butter causes weight gain is a sad misconception. The short and medium chain fatty acids in butter are not stored in the adipose tissue, but are used for quick energy. Fat tissue in humans is composed mainly of longer chain fatty acids. These come from olive oil and polyunsaturated oils as well as from refined carbohydrates. Because butter is rich in nutrients, it confers a feeling of satisfaction when consumed. Can it be that consumption of margarine and other butter substitutes results in cravings and bingeing because these highly fabricated products don't give the body what it needs?.
Butter for Growth & Development
Many factors in butter ensure optimal growth of children. Chief among them is vitamin A. Individuals who have been deprived of sufficient vitamin A during gestation tend to have narrow faces and skeletal structure, small palates and crowded teeth. Extreme vitamin A deprivation results in blindness, skeletal problems and other birth defects. Individuals receiving optimal vitamin A from the time of conception have broad handsome faces, strong straight teeth, and excellent bone structure. Vitamin A also plays an important role in the development of the sex characteristics. Calves fed butter substitutes sicken and die before reaching maturity.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Bellissimo Choir

Whangaparaoa College choir Bellissimo is going to Hawaii march 2009. There are 20 people in the choir trying to get over there. Each member needs around $4,500 so we are busy fundraising now. Each member must come up with $2,000 themselves, then the whole choir is trying to get the rest it will be a lot of hard work.
June 21st Bellissimo is having a Car/Marine Fair going from 10am till 2pm, at Whangaparaoa College car park. It’s a chance to have a look around at boats or cars while your car gets washed by the choir. It’s a donation carwash and there will be a sausage sizzle on as well.
Its $10 per car space to place a booking call 0276369667, if you are wishing to sell are car or boat!.
Please come along!



You may wonder why I have decided to write about such a weird topic, but it is because I love it, and I’m eating some now (piggy).
It used to be that the chocolate you would eat was only dark chocolate, which I do not fancy much. Now days you can get a much wider range. There is milk chocolate, white chocolate, three wishes (Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate), Top deck (Milk chocolate, and White chocolate), there is mint chip, caramello, black forest, and fruit nut. There are also many more. My favourite type of chocolate is Lindor it’s so nice, but also expensive. I normally only eat Cadbury, they have a great range. I used to like black forest, but now I just like simple dairy milk chocolate
All the chocolate we eat comes from one rather special plant—the cacao (kah KOW) tree. These trees produce pods containing pulp-covered seeds. The seeds, once fermented and dried, are processed into chocolate.
A cacao pod contains about 30-50 almond-sized seeds—enough to make about seven milk chocolate candy bars!
Many candies and desserts contain chocolate. People often give chocolate as a gift on holidays such as Valentine's Day and Halloween
I think everyone should enjoy chocolate. A lot of effort is put into it.

Whangaparaoa in the future

Whangaparaoa in the future! Stephanie Thompson

Whangaparaoa has transformed from a lovely homely place, to one of devastation, no building before me stood strong. They are piles of rubble, chunks of metal and gigantic holes in the ground. Lampposts are strewn around; they lie limp like dead snakes. Wood and brick are scatted everywhere you look.
This is not the Whangaparaoa coast that I remember. As I walk slowly up the unsteady road, memories fly back to me. I ran up this road on hot sunny days to be home in time for my favourite TV program, and the smell of mum’s home cooking hitting me as I reach the front door. I snap back from my memories with a bang, I have almost walked into a gigantic ditch. Walking carefully around I look up toward a place I once new very well. My home. Gradually, I make my way up the unstable front steps. This was once the house I had lived in for most of my life, until the event which caused all this destruction and forced my family to leave. Tears begin to swell up in my eyes, this, is where I was once happy, when my life was good. Once again the memories flooded back, this time the memory is not a happy one.

10 years earlier…

Bang! I heard someone shot a little was off; who is it? I wonder where my family is. I crawled out from my hiding place underneath some old stairs; they would not hold up for much longer. I run out into the windy rain, white cold things landed on my bear skin I looked up in amazement, could it be? Yes, it was. White snow tumbled from the darkened sky. Never before had this happened. Wind twirled around me chilling me to the bone, the trees were like string blowing in the wind. This was not good, and it was only going to get worse. There was a Crash, I spun around and there flying toward me was a massive wave, I knew there was no way I could out run it. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked around. There was no one in sight. I sprinted toward the nearest house. I threw open the door and the wind slammed it shut just as I slipped in. I needed to find a secure place. I run into the basement. There huddled in the corner was a small boy about the age of three, tears streaming down his face. “Hey, are you okay?” I ask him kindly “where are your parents?” he did not answer. Knowing I had no time I ran down to him pulled him into my arms and hurried towards a secure looking corner. I cover him with my body, as the house starts to shake. I hit my head ageist the wall and become unconscious. It has all happened so fast, just a few days ago I was sitting and relaxing in the sun. News reports had said we were expecting bad weather but not this bad, it was snowing? It never snowed this far north. We had entered the end of the world. And all because of greedy people in our world that take advantage of what we have, ignoring all the signals, all the warnings. This is where we all end up. Without hope, we have no power or say in what we think I right, because we would be fighting with some of the most powerful people in the world.

I awoke to a small voice and little hand pushing me. “Wake up!” it said I opened my eyes and there was the little boy sitting there next to me. I sat up and looked around. Water, we were sitting in about 4 inches of it, and it was rising fast. I realise we have to get out or we will drown. I grab the boy and start to make my way up the stairs; it’s a tough battle because the stairs are like a waterfall, the wet salty water coming down fast, it’s hard to find out where to put my feet. I make it out. I carry the boy out of the house, wading though waist high water. We must find safety. I feel something brush against me, I look down to find a young girls body up turned floating past. I look away in horror. The boy sees it and hugs me tighter. The adrenalin rushes through my body, and I keep moving. Suddenly the ground underneath me begins to shake. A great crack begins to appear a little way off. They water around me begins to drain away. EARTHQUAKE! Someone yells. I lose my footing, and fall to the ground. Although I can still breathe the little boy cannot, and he slips from my arms. Terror runs through me, I must save him. He is pulled away by a current. “Help!” he cried in panic “help me please”. I trudge after him, but the water holds me firm, it does not wish me to save the boy. “Find something to hold onto!” I shout but he did not hear me for he has been pulled under water. I am pulled under the water after him. I would rather save his life then my own. I open my eyes to try see him, the salt water stings. There he is floating just a little way off. I reach out my arm, using every last gasp of air and the last of my strength I through myself forward. This water will not defeat me. My fingers grasp around his small delicate arms. He does not move. I pull him close, and kick off from the ground. Air fills my lungs as we break away from the waters grip. I pull him up onto the safe ground. His body hangs lifeless and limp. There is a smile upon his small innocent face, as if he was happy just a few minutes before death. Tears pore down my cheeks, and running off the end of my nose. How can god be real, if he is willing to sacrifice such a young boy?

Real life...

My heart pounds in my chest as if it’s a drum. Why had no one seen it coming? Why was it that so many people should die?
10 years ago from today that poor boy died, just like the millions of others, there was a mass disaster caused by global warming. Countries such as Mexico, and America where hit the worst, but we in Whangaparaoa where hit terribly.One million people died from New Zealand. The world was hit by a series of earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, and temperature change. On one was ready or prepared for such devastation. Now the saviours have been evacuated to Antarctica, though it has melted so much that there is not enough room for everyone to live there, we are forced to live in slum condition. Nowhere else is fit to live, and there is no technology or development our only recourses are the ones around us. It was a terrible even which caused over three quarters of the world population to die. The way that the world lives now it a horrible state. It could have been avoided, there were signs, warnings but no one took notice until it was far too late. May we regroup and rebuild. Mankind may be no more.

I stand up, although there is much more for me to see, I must get back to the boats, before I get stuck here forever. I walk with a heavy heart back to meet all the other saviours.

The end.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Story- Whangaparaoa College

As the fog lifted only the peak of Whangaparaoa College could be seen. I felt slightly uneased as I walked briskly down the hill which was once Delshaw Avenue.It's been 48 years since I had set foot in this school.. Whangaparaoa College was abandoned about 30 years ago when it went bankrupt. All of the renevations were complete when not long after, a major error was discovered in the banking. The school had no choice but to close down. As the rest of the school came into view, I realised how much had changed in the world. Today we were used to seeing narrow, multiple story buildings made from dark tinted glass with electronic windows, doors and convertable rooves. But now, standing here, I remember when buildings were made from things like bricks, concrete, wood, tiles and plaster, you had to physically open windows and doors by hand, and rooves just stayed put on the top of buildings. I carried on walking through the school. My pace slowed. Memories started to flood back to me. I remembered all of the good and bad experiences that I went through here. I felt sad but happy at the same time. Sad because all of were over. Happy because those memories would always be with me..Abruptly out of nowhere, a tree branch fell onto one of the walls making a slight dent. Confused that such a small branch could dent a wall, I looked towards the dent and in the corner of my eye I spotted my name written in vibrant flourecent writing in the corner of the wall. "Billy." I read aloud. I then noticed a faint arrow pointing to where the tree branch had dented the wall. Curiously, I peeled away some of the plaster that was covering the wall. There was nothing behind it. No wood, cement or brick.. That explained why the small branch was able to dent it. It was like the tree branch was meant to fall. I felt a chill go down my spine and my instinct told me to leave, but I had to find out more. So I pulled away more of the plaster only to reveal a medium sized box squeezed into the whole in the wall. **NOT FINISHED**

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ride Home

As i sit in the car, the sky darkens as night approaches, and the city lights are turned on. I open the window and feel the cold wind slapping me in the face, but its nice. The evening sky is gone and has been replaced with a dark black. I gaze up at the stars as we go over the bridge. There is something special in the air tonight. The water below twinkles as it reflects the lights of the city. Its all so peaceful, everything is just covered in beauty. I have forgotten all my worries and thoughts. I just take in every moment and every sight. There are hardly any cars on the road, the ones that are don't seem to care about whats around them. They do not care about anything but them selves. But if they just looked around for once and saw what they were missing. The journey from town to the coast is my favourite, if you look to the west you can see the last glimpse of the sun in the red sky. But it sinks behind the outlined hills. The sky is fully black. The moon is a dinner plate in the sky lighting the way. Everything was perfect!

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Best Friend =]

She is the only person you can trust with anything. You can tell when she is up set. Or in a bad mood. When she is not there you feel out of place even though you friends are around you. Her home feels like your home. Nothing is ever awkward between the to of you. Unless you have planed to make it uncomfortable. You are so similar, that you scare your selves. They are always there for you in you time of need. You laugh so much when together your stomach hurts. You discuss ideas openly. You may fight at times, but you talk it out. you may get annoyed at one another but you always get over it. And you know that when you old and have your children that hers and yours are going to play together in the park, and be just as good of friends as you!

A story I made up just now!

My Dad!
As i lay in bed listening to the sound of the rain hammering on the roof. I hear the front door open and close with a slam. Dads home from the bar. Fear overwhelms my body, i am unable to move.I lie there and wait for the sound of foot steps walking round the kitchen. Its become a routine now, dad comes home late at night from the bar, comes in and tries to make a cup of coffee but finds it to hard so he just grabs the whisky off the shelf, the noise stops for a moment as he takes a swig of the bottle. You hear him place it down loudly on the table. I can hear mum awake next door, but she dears not disturber him now. Not after what happened last time. There are more noises from down stairs, the scraping of a chair and a clatter of footsteps as he makes his way up stairs. I start to shake as a shiver runs down my spine. he opens my door and turns on the blinding light. he grabs my by the arm and throws me out of bed. I know not to moan. I know not to cry. It only makes him more angry. He looks at me in disgust. "I shhooddaa kiilld ya long bedoor' he babbles." wasst oph time, wasst oph space". Its hard form me to understand,but i know what is begging said, as i have heard it over and over again. He pulls my up and forced me against the wall holding me center meters off the ground. My body is weak. He is strong. He holds his had against my throat. The air escapes my body and i cannot breath. "Yoii weerree a misstake" he says "I regret everything to do with yaa!". I can hear mum weeping through the wall. I hope with all my might that she doesn't come in, it will make dad even more mad, and he will take the beating out on her too. It seems like ages since my last breath and wonder if he will actually kill me tonight. But Thankfully it seems he get sick of me, releases me from his grasp. I slid down the was in exhaustion as he leaves the room. Its funny because that man i just saw tonight is a different one who will wake me up in the morning with a smile on if face.
The end.
(None of the contents written above is real, my father is loving and kind!)


It is possibly my favourite movie of all time. Iwatched it first about 5 years ago, at first it didnt really apeal to me, but i was young. Now i love to watch it. I have it on dvd, and no matter how many times i watch it i never ge sick of it.
My Favourite song is the Cell Block Tango, I love how every step and every movement is perfectily in time! And they make it look so simple. I absolutly love Catherine Zeta- Jones' voice i find it to be absolutly wonderful! Its really nice and powerful. It gives me goose bumps!
For all the people that havent seen it it is a musical, but not like any musical you have every seen! I recomend that you watch it i would give it 5 stars!
It is rated M for medium level of violence so it would be better for 14 and over.
It is the winner of SIX Academy Awards. I find it wonderful!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Person

You rush to greet him with a hug, thinking it may be the last time you see him standing there. He greets you in a big bear hug! And you snuggle in tight, all your worries and cares melt away as you inhale his sent. Its a mixture Of his shaving cream and old people, but the mixture is nice, it calms you makes you feel at home. He kisses your cheek and his whiskers tickle your face for he have not properly shaved in a while. He would invite me to have ice cream, and we would go across town to the best parlor. He always picks the same ice cream, Rum and raisin single scoop with nuts, Its as if its the only one he remembers the taste of. He and I sit and watch they cars go past, and he tells me all about his past. You can see in his eye that he is excited and loves to tell his tales. On the drive home he will tell you about how none of the shops used to be there, and when he was little there weren't things like cell phones and i pods. You have heard this many times but you sit patently and wait for him to finish. When it is time to leave him you hug him tightly but not to tight to hurt him, hoping that next time you see him he will still be standing there waving as you back down the drive.

You love him very much, and enjoy spending the time that he has left with him.

Monday, May 5, 2008

My Story!

For English we are doing creative writting which i have always found really fun, well last lesson our teacher showed us a picture and told us to write about it.

It Cant Be!
This was my one chance, my one chance that would soon end in disaster, though I did not know that at the time. I am about to show the world how good I am, yet as I sit here looking at the jump I begin to feel nervous. This is my first time, and I had used every dime to get here, first prize $100,000 and you get a contract with the best BMX Company in the world. I’d be set for a lifetime. Yet if I lost, I would lose everything I have achieved in the past years and I will have no money. I realise that I’m up next, horror strikes me like a thousand pins going into my body. I stand up and go to fetch my bike. My heart pounds rapidly in my chest as I clamber onto the bike. I started to peddle, picking up speed. As I approached the ramp I snuck a sideways glance, and saw about 20 people watching me, I held there gaze big mistake. As I lifted off from the ramp my foot slipped on the peddle making me smack my head and lose my grip of the handles. I watched as I went soaring through the air, and my bike went plummeting to the ground. Suddenly the world was moving in slow motion, I could hear shouts from the crowd as I floated to the ground, all the while the same word going through my head ‘why’. I could see people running. ‘I have lost everything’ I thought ‘there is nothing left, no money, no jobs’. And then the world returned back to normal speed just as I hit the ground. The impact of my body hitting the ground is unbearable, I feel winded. I hear people rushing to my sides, calling my name. My body is throbbing; I am conscious but reluctant to move. Slowly I drift off into the blackness.

I awake to the sound of an alarm, thankfully it was just a dream I think to myself. Yet why am I still in pain, I sit up and realise, I’m no in my bed, I’m in hospital. I start to panic; everything’s a blur, my heart rate goes up there is beeping of the machine I’m plugged into. Nurses come to settle me, but I don’t cram down. They inject me with some kind of drug and I sink back into the blackness once more.


Sunday, May 4, 2008


Well it was the holidays but now its back to school. In my holidays i went to Whakatane with my friend Cerise. We stayed at her Grandparents house It was fun! They were really nice and welcoming to me which was good for i was a bit nervous about meeting them. While driving down we stopped of heaps along the way, but it was good it made the car drive more interesting. When we arrived there and our legs were acing and stiff, we said hello to everyone and i was introduced. Then me and Cerise went to unpack. While unpacking i looked at the book shelf and saw heaps of 'True Story' books. I have always been really interested in then and loved to read them, and so me and cerise picked a book and began to read. Reading those books really makes you appreciate you life, you think about how much worse it could be. It really opened me up to abuse within families. I think it is a horrible thing to have happen. It can ruin peoples lives and make them suffer when they grow up. Even now you still here about it, like that girl that was locked up the the age of 19 and her own father sexually abused her until she was 40 something, he Fatherd Seven of her Children, His wife didn't even know that she was there, She though she had run away years ago. It just shows how sick and twisted people can be! Its As if they do not love anyone but themselves and care for only them!!
It was horrible to read those books about children that have been abused from the age of 3, Stuck in mental hospitals where there were drugged and received shock treatment, And almost beaten to death on the side walk by people the didn't even know! It makes me feel sick that people can get away with that!
But Back to my holiday. On the second day we went and looked around Whakatane and Cerise showd me her old school and old house and her favourite playground when she was little, It was really nice to see where she had once lived. Later that day we went to the hot pools and went on the slide. We got tired fast and headed home for a nice sleep. On the last day we left at lunch time to make sure we got home befor dark. When we Got Back from Whakatane i really didn't have much planned so i spent a week at my dads helping him cook. I made myself some money, which was good.
Then on the last week i stayed with family and only saw cerise, I didn't really feel like getting out
I was just enjoying being off school. Though now we are back, it, makes it a but enjoyable.
Well i must dash!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Meth Poem

Hello, My Friend
I destroy homes. I tear families apart.I take children and that’s just a start.I’m more valued than diamonds, more precious than gold.The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.If you need me, remember, I’m easily found.I live all around you, in school and in town.I live with the rich, I live with the poor.I live just down the street, and maybe next door.I’m made in a lab, but not one like you think.I can be made under the kitchen sink, or in yourChild’s closet, even out in the woods.If this scares you to death, it certainly should.I have many names, but there’s one you’ll know best.I’m sure you’ve heard of me. My name’s Crystal Meth.My power is awesome. Try me. You’ll see.But if you do, you may never break free.Just try me once, I might let you go.Try me twice and I’ll own your soul.When I possess you, you’ll steal and you’ll lie.You’ll do what you have to, just to get high. The crimes you’ll commit for my narcotic charmsWill be worth the pleasure you’ll feel in my arms.You’ll lie to your mother, you’ll steal from your dad.When you see their tear, you must not feel sad.Just forget your morals, and how you were raised.I’ll be your conscience. I’ll teach you my ways.I take kids from parents. I take parents from kids.I turn people from God. I separate friends.I’ll take everything from you, even your good looks andPride. I’ll be with you always, right by your side.You’ll give up everything. Your family, your home.Your money, your friends, you’ll be all alone.I’ll take and I’ll take till you’ve no more to give.When I finish with you, you’ll be lucky to live.If you try me, be warned. THIS IS NOT A GAME.If I’m given the chance, I’ll drive you insane.I’ll ravage your body. I’ll control your mind.I’ll own you completely. Your soul will be MINE.The nightmares I’ll five you when you’re lying in bed,And the voices you hear from inside your head.The shakes, the sweats, and the visions you’ll see. I want you to know, these are your gifts from me.By then it’s too late, and you’ll know in your heart, That you are now mine, and we shall not part.You’ll regret that you tried me. They always do.But you came to me. Not I to you.You knew this would happen. How many times were you told?But you challenged my power. You chose to be bold.You could have said “no” and just walked away.If you could live over, now what would you say?My power is awesome, as I told you before.I can take your mother and turn her into a whore.I’ll be your master, you’ll do as I say, Even when I tell you to go to your grave.Now that you’ve met me, what will you do?Will you try me or not? It’s all up to you.I can show you more misery than words can tell.Come, take my hand. Let me lead you to hell.

This poem was written by anonymous, it is belived to be written by a woman in jail on meth charges. When i read it it made me feel really sad and also angry. People lose familys, friends, jobs, money all because of drug addiction. It drives me crazy how people can just throw everything away just to get high. I dont see why anyone even invented it in the frist place. If you think about all the people who must have lost everything including their lives just for drugs its amazing. I really hate it how people with stop at nothing to get drugs thinking tomorrow i wll stop, but they cant because it has its power. Its not just the weak ones that get sucked in, its anyone. You cant just say 'I will never be addicted' but who are you to decide, you could over come its power, or sit and rot. This poem just shows you what it does and how it effects people. I HATE IT! it just makes me angry. People are stupid enough to throw away their future. It states in the poem about how you came to it and not it to you, and also how that you had been worned about the dangers of taking drugs yet you test its powers. It just goes to show what happens. Most of it is because everyone does it so it must be okay. I know it may be a bit biest of me to say this stuff because i have never taken drugs but i have known people even family that have ruined their lives because of it and ended up in jail. Its a terrible thing and should stop!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Year 10 Zoo Trip

Hey There! on the 8Th of April year 10 went on a trip to the Auckland Zoo. It was for science as part of our Ecology studies. I had been looking forward to going for a while, and on the day i was overly excited. When we got on the bus i started taking pictures so that i could capture the whole days advents, sadly my camera was out of battery and started playing up. Luckily my friend had her camera and let me take all the photos i wanted. I love taking photos and i feel like i always need to take them to get the right picture. when we arrived i took a photo of the Zoo's Building, then one of us going in side. It went on like that for the rest of the day. i took heaps of photos. The best part of the day was the lions, they are my favourite animal. I wish i could have one, i sat and watched them for what felt like hours it was really cool. Everyone else didn't like them because they were boring and slept the whole time but when you sit and watch them its quite different. Me and Emily watched and waited, then all three lions came down to the glass. If it had not been for the glass in the way i would have reached out an touched them all, and lost my arm. But it was so cool an there were hardly any people around so it made it even better. I also Liked the elephants they were cool, i love their trunks. All the animals were really cool and more well behaved then some of the students at school.
At 11 we had to go to this meeting thing in a room. it was quite interesting, but the whole time i was just longing to see the animals. i wanted to feed them, i have once wanted to be a Zoo keeper, but i don't think i would want it as a career and its something you need to base your school time on and if i don't wish to stay as one it would be a waste of time. It was a really cool day full of fun and photos, I hope to go back there soon.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Bellissimo Is our schools Small choir, I had been trying to get in for years, and at the end of last year I did get in, I was really happy. We had been talking about going to a overseas Competition, in Hawaii or Canada. Miss Jones Sent a disk away at the beginning of the holidays, AND WE GOT IN! she told us when school started again that in 2009 we would be going to Hawaii, and stay there for a week and a bit! I was totally excited, its going to be heaps of fun. We are doing heaps of fund raising, which we will be doing All year. On the 29Th there will be a car boot sale/ car wash at the school $15 per park space and a donation for the car wash, its being held at the school car park, so if anyone wants to get rid of so stuff or have a car wash then come along, also there will be a sausage sizzle. It will be a great day! i will post any other up coming events that come up through out the year!
here is a link to the Bellissimo website If you wish to find out more:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ingo! Can you risist the call of the Deep?

< This Is the book Ingo! When i first saw it i was like "ah mum, its about mermaids.... I'm not five anymore",Then one day i started reading it, it turned out to be really good, i ended up getting the other three booking of this series. Okay they may not appeal to all but i happened to fine then very interesting. Its an adventure to the deep, you unlock the secrets of the under world, with Sapphire and her older brother Connor.

I suggested it to my Friend and she liked them as well, we are now waiting for the fourth book to come out sometime this year. I would recommend this book for a few years younger then myself, but that doesn't mean people my age wont like it. I guess it depends on weather something like this interests you or not.

You need to have quite an imagination for these books because its all about the setting and everything around them. you need to be able to picture what is happening and where they are.

Its a wonderful book!


I cant say i was really looking forward to going to the museum but it ment a day off school which was good. On the bus ride i sat next to Cerise, we listened to our ipods because it was rather boring just sitting there.
When we finally arrived i had gotten pins and needles in my feet which made it hard to get off the bus. We got into our groups and entered the building.I was looking forward to looking at all the war things and finding out interesting facts, but we were handed work sheets which were jam packed with questions. I was to busy trying to answer all the questions that i didn't get to have a proper look around, All you had to do was find what you were looking for then move on. it would have been better if we had had less questions, or more time.That way we could have answered the questions and looked around.
There were also pointless questions that had nothing to do with it like, "what was on the chocolate?, would you have eaten it?" It took five minutes just trying to find the chocolate, when there wasn't any. There was an emotional time for me when we saw the walls with all the people who died in the war form New Zealand. All those people had family and friends, never to return to again just because silly people couldn't sort out the differences between a simple conversation, no, they had to send millions of people out into a battle field where they would most likely be killed in the first minute. And it didn't just Finnish after a few weeks, they went on for years. The people in the army have been trained to kill other people, without a second thought. they can just go out there and kill Masses of people, and what has it solved? very little. People would fly over houses and drop bombs and things on to them, there were most likely people in those houses, families, CHILDREN, all Innocent. I think it is selfish of people to kill ourselves of, for POWER!, Money, land, right or wrong and just simple GREED! And what happened after world was one..? there was world war 2, is any of it necessary? I don't think it was.
We have been learning in Social Studies about the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand, on life, that was that reason for the deaths of so many more!
I get angry over these things because it could have easily been avoided. I know i wasnt around it those times and that things could have been different to now, Im just giving My opinion Of the whole thing.
Anyway back to the Museum Trip, well we spent about two hours in there had luch then hoped back on th bus to go back to school. We go back just as the bell for end of lunch sounded, i had science not that i felt like doing any work!
but i suvived went home and slept.


Hello =]
So Home Learning this year is really hard, at the moment we have been getting SO much home learning its not funny. I have no time for anything else, i get home and its the first thing i have to do. It normally takes me all night, because we have four subjects and its meant to be 20 mins per night. But by the end of it its normally like 9 'o' clock.
It puts a lot of pressure on us because we also have to do revision and practise, also we have after school activities, and the teachers don't understand when you say you are busy, they think that we are just making up excuses. I have got lots of home learning to do so i must Fly!
Steph X More later

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One Click Away From Danger

I Find this Clip very disturbing, i used to have heaps of my details on my bebo, until i saw this clip i didn't really think about it to much. I took off most of the things that people could connect me to. You don't really think about who might me reading your page i used to just think it was my friends, but now i realise anyone can view it.
I think it's scary how much information peple actioly put on there pages, not really knowing who will read it. i definatly have taken in what has been said, so that no scary old man comes to find me!

Around the Bays!

Around the Bays

Well On the 16th it was a big day for me, but the fun really started that’s Saturday. I woke up and started to plan my weekend, my friend was to stay at mine that night and then go to the race, but our plans changed. So we made a new plan that I would go to stay at her place that night, we would attend a party but be home by 9 ‘o’ clock, to sleep. When I arrived we meet up with some people and then headed to the school, where the show was, we entered at 7. There where heaps of people there, and not many of them we knew. But after we had found our group we settled in. It was Great fun, but soon it was time for us to leave. We got home and had something to eat, showered and went to sleep setting our alarms for 6:00 in the morning.
We awoke to the horrid sound of my alarm; we just lay there looking at one another, not wanting to get up. This was it, the big day. We slowly made our way to the kitchen, where we had our energy drinks, after we got dressed and put on our shoes. We left at 7:00, heading straight for town.
At 9:00 we lined up to start the race, there were so many people there is was crazy, at 9:30 it began. Me and My friend, started off at a run, but it was hard with so many people, you had to dodge your way through. About 10mins into it I had lost my friend in the rush of people, and so i was left to run by myself. The run was something like 8km long, I don’t really do much running, and at times it was challenging but at the end I felt so good, that I had accomplished something that wasn’t anything to really benefit me, but it was great to just get out there and do something.
I found my friend at the end and we headed off to get our sausage. We were really sore and our feet felt like they had been bounded but after a good lunch and a good play in the blow up bouncy castle, we were ready to move on and enjoy the rest of the day.
I had found the run very challenging, I walked and ran, and completed it. I felt Very pleased when i saw the finish like and ran all the way till the end. I would recommend people to do it even if you may not be the fittest person, its a nice challenge for yourself and makes you feel great!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A whole New world

I think that this is one of the best you tube clips. When I saw it the friest time i couldnt get over how amazing it was, i do alot of singing abd this is a wonderfull thing. I think its really geart, He may even be able to sing higher then . A Whole new World is just one of the many songs that he has, but I think this is the best because you get him singing normally and up high. i just can get over how great he is!


I think that friends are the greatest things in the world(after family). They are fun to be with and there will be fights between you but everything should sort out. Its great to have friends when times are rough and it seems like no one else is there. Good friends are your ones that taker you for who you are and don't make you change because that's who they want you to be. Nothing can make you feel more horrible then being turned on by your friends, it can make you hate going to school and lead to things like depression. Friends can be the causes of your pain but they can also heal it. There isn't anything much better then when you are feeling down to go and just cry on a friends shoulder, or even just talk about the problems in your life. They can be the cause or solution of your anger, hate, vulerability, and sadness. Times do get hard but at the end of the tunnel it will all be fixed. Even if you are no longer friends, it must be a good thing, because they must not be able to handle that you are you and that you wont change that!


This year at school I am taking Music (full year), drama(half year), and graphics (half year). I am wanting to change graphics to art because i have decided that art would interest me more. My favourite class at the moment is english, and social science. I have two very nice teachers. I also find the subjects very interesting.
Maths is my badist subject mostly because I cant do it. i try though as much as i can. Another thing im not i big fan of is Spelling, i always wanted to be a writer, but i was always to sceard because i would have so many spelling mistakes. as you can mostl likely tell from thins blog entry.
well I must jet
lots to do Adios

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Weekend

I had a very busy weekend. On Friday after school, I went on the bus to my friends house. The Bus was so fill of people and it was a really hot day. Everyone was smelling like sweat, but i wasn't staying on the bus for long. I had to make my way up to the front of the bus, it was a real struggle because there where so many people, but i managed to get myself threw. We hoped off the bus and went to the video store.and got out lots of dvds and watched them.I Stayed at hers friday night, and on saturday went up to auckland to baby Sit my baby cousins one is 5 and the other is 3. They are the most magical things in the world, i got so tired from looking after them i went to sleep at the same time as them, 7:30, theres nothing like a good nights sleep! On Sunday i went to go have brunch with my family in town, Everyone was there. I went home that night and slept.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

About me

Hey My name is Stephanie I'm 14 and go to Whangaparoa College.
My favourite colour is yellow but it changes almost everyday, my favourite food is sushi I think it is so yummy even though it is seaweed. Salmon is the best thing in the wourld, my mum makes it really nice. Well I was told to make this blog page as part of my home learning for English. In Englist we are reading the book Chinese Cinderella. I find it a very sad and moving book, even though i have read it a billion times.

Well i must leave Lots more home learning to do.